Friday, February 17, 2012

The Whole Tooth

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" "You have to have rain before you can enjoy the rainbow" we hear these motivational quotes all the time as we pass through trials. I was beginning to think that whoever came up with this stuff never made it almost all the way through first grade without losing a tooth. For the past year this has been the biggest stressor of Grace's life, but it finally happened. Grace lost her first tooth. It happened at school and she came bursting through the front happier than I've ever seen her. I of course cried because well you know this means her childhood has basically ended. She did leave the cutest note asking to keep her tooth and made a simple request of getting a guitar instead of money (where do they come up with this stuff?) Of course for me, my childhood has not ended and therefore I missed the memo that

The tooth fair is not real. So it turns out I was supposed to be the tooth fairy. I woke up to what I thought was going to be the worst day ever with one sad little girl. Fortunately I'm married to superman who (I will never know how he did it) but somehow he took care of it all. Minus the request about her keeping the tooth. He says he didn't take it. We looked forever all over the room but couldn't find it. Until a few days later it miraculously appeared in Emilyne's mouth as Emilyne got her first tooth!

This picture of course is a more accurate depiction of how it really happened but hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

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