Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good News/ Bad News

1) So the good news was we found the cutest park in the cutest town in Copperton Utah and had a blast with cousins.
2) The bad news was that during our trip to the cute park we lost cute Parker for about 50 minutes after a stray bulldog came running in and scared all the kids. We ended up with a search party of about 30 neighbors and the cops. It was possibly the scariest 50 minutes of my life. Tears were shed prayers were said and eventually we found Parker hidden inside a tire scared to death to come out. Once I knew he was ok I thought it would be appropriate to take pictures of the rescue.

 3) We went to Hogle Zoo and saw the new Rocky Shores exhibit with otters, seals and a polar bear.

4) We went to This is the place park where we rode ponies, held chickens and even got a taste of school 200 years ago. I'm pretty sure Anna if Anna wasn't afraid of kindergartentt before, she is now.

5) Thanks to Benson and Will Nelson is on his way to being potty trained. All it took was seeing them pee in a field one time and he's wanted nothing to do with a diaper since. Turns out he didn't realize what he was missing out on!

 6) Good News! Round two of lacrosse happened. We had a rematch and I had the greatest team ever. I mean just look at these guys!
 7)Bad news.... we're pretty sure Travis broke his foot in the lacrosse game. Luckily we found a boot that he's been able to borrow until he gets back to Iowa next week. And for the record my cheek has a big bruise on it and my toe's a little swollen. It was intense but totally worth it.
 8) We had a blast with Grandma playing spoons and running in her sprinklers.

9) BRIDGE CLUB! I got to hang out with two of my favorite people all week long. I woke up all teary eyed one morning so happy to be back with these two. With a 6 year difference between our husbands it's amazing that us three girls being the same age get to be sisters in law. Shannon and Tori have been best friends since 2nd grade and when I married Travis they brought me right in and I haven't stopped laughing since. When I'm with them I can't explain it I just go right into my comfort zone. While I have many blessings to count in my life having Shannon and Tori as my sisters and friends is one of my favorites.

10) Emilyne rode her first carousel The video is sideways and long but she's just so dang cute.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are just too much fun. Lacrosse? Broken foot? Seriously?!
