Tuesday, December 4, 2012

18 months

My firend and neighbor Danna is possibly the most talented person I have met in my life. I mean the girls can do anything. Well the other day she got a new fancy camera lens and wanted to try it out so we went an took 18 month pictures of Emilyne. I thought Danna had met her hardest subject yet. If there is one thing about Emilyne she will do what she wants when she wants and only then. She will be born when she wants even though it was 6 weeks early. She will only cuddle if she’s in the mood (if Travis is around the chances of that mood being there increase by a ton). And she will smile and be happy only when she wants. We tried everything at first and nothing. Just a blank stare like are you joking me…you can act as goofy as you want but I’m just going to sit here and stare at you.

And then Emilyne decided that maybe she wanted to smile and it was the perfect reminder of life with Emilyne. She has by far been my grumpiest baby yet but oh when she smiles all those grumpy moments are beyond worth it.