Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's a ...

So we found out some big news today....It's a girl! Yeah there was a part of me that wanted a friend for Nelson but then at the same time I think me and Travis are in heaven being surrounded all day by these sweet tender little girls. I mean what did I expect being married to Travis I don't think there's a guy out there who knows how to treat a girl better and that includes his 3 now four daughters. He's a total girl dad and I don't mean to toot my own horn but we make some beautiful sweet girls and I can't wait for May to get here to meet her!
I think the only one who was disappointed was Nelson and watch below for the proof.

Here's the link if the above video doesn't work.


  1. LOL....both Brian and I are actually laughing out loud!! We love Travis in the background cracking up! Congrats!!

  2. Colb and I just watched this and we are dying. Nelson is too cute. So exciting to have another sweet girl! We love the Tidwells!!!!

  3. absolutely hilarious...I have watched it like 5 times already
