Thursday, October 4, 2012

Look who's 30

So I thought about planning a big celebration being that Travis was hitting the big 30. But after some thought I decided a small quaint party with Travis and his 4 miniature best friends would be a little more appropriate.  We had a blast playing pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, and of course a dance party followed by a slumber party in the living room. 

 Of course we ate all of his favorite treats.
 And what's any celebration without this little party animal stopping by.

It's kind of fun going into your 30's Travis and I talked about all the things that happened in his 20's. He went on a mission, got married, had 4 kid who are almost as crazy about him as I am, graduated college, got his plumbing license, became a certified mediator, moved to Iowa and got 2 years of med school under his belt and I'm pretty sure he did it all with out stressing 1 time (he's so cool). He is living an amazing life and  I wake up everyday just giddy to be part of it.

1 comment:

  1. I love you guys!!! maybe I will cry, just maybe.
